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Monday, March 28, 2011

Chapter 5

I think I made a big mistake...I think I accidently knocked Finny off the tree. I feel so bad! How could I do such a thing?

WE were going to jump off the tree the other day, and as he went to jump off, I think I shook the branch. Finny fell and hurt his leg. Badly. I watched him as he fell. He looked back at me, and reached his hand out, looking for my hand. But as he fell, I just should there watching him fall down to his fate.

Oh god, what if someone thinks I did this to him? How could I possibly explain? Everyone will know I purposely shook that tree! Why did I do this? All because I thought he was jealous that I was going to become valedictorian? I'm such an idiot! How could I do this to Finny?

The next few days, "I spent as much time as I could alone in our room" (53), because I didn't feel like seeing anyone. Soon we got the dreaded news from the infirmary. Finny had a shattered leg. He would be able to walk again, but not play sports...All because of me...

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